um blogue socialmente consciente emocionalmente irresponsável

domingo, janeiro 07, 2007

Um post directamente da cozinha

[...] feminism cut itself off from sexual history. It discarded and suppressed the sexual myths of literature, art and religion. Those myths show us turbulence, the mysteries and passions of sex. In mythology we see men's sexual anxiety, their fear of woman's dominance. Much sexual violence is rooted in men's sense of psychological weakness toward women. It takes many men to deal with one woman. Woman's voracity is a persistent motif. [...] Marilyn Monroe, singing "Dimonds Are a Girl's Best Friend", rules a conga line of men in tuxes. [...] Feminism, coveting social power, is blind to woman's cosmic sexual power.

Camille Paglia, in Sex Art, and Americam Culture


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