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terça-feira, fevereiro 27, 2007

Um Basquiat em sangue p’ró homem sem rosto!

I reply to M. de Lamartine: From your point of view, not to subsidize is to abolish, because, proceeding from the premise that nothing exists except by the will of the state, you conclude that nothing lives that taxes do not keep alive.

But I turn against you the example that you have chosen, and I point out to you that the greatest, the noblest, of all expositions, the one based on the most liberal, the most universal conception, and I can even use the word "humanitarian," which is not here exaggerated, is the exposition now being prepared in London, the only one in which no government meddles and which no tax supports.

Frédéric Bastiat, Essays on Political Economy


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Anonymous Anónimo Quis dizer...

Ah, Basquiat! Também quero um :-)

27/2/07 23:56


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