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quinta-feira, janeiro 10, 2008

Is Dr. Paul a serious presidential candidate?

Among libertarians hardly anyone criticizes Dr. Paul. The few who do have, in turn, abandoned him completely. I haven’t and I do write some supporting missives regarding his candidacy, although I think he has a style that stands in the way of his getting taken seriously as a presidential hopeful. (...)

he keeps saying we should “just go back to the U. S. Constitution.” But this is a troublesome idea because it doesn’t spell out which version of the U. S. Constitution is supposed to be worth going back to. It is surely not the original one, the one that permitted slavery and included some highly disturbing and false claims about African Americans. Or is it supposed tobe the current version, one that has innumerable statist amendments included in it and no longer supports limited government?

Tibor R. Machan


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