The term glossolalia is derived from the Greek glossa, "tongue" and lalia, "to talk." The phenomenon is not just a single utterance of strange words but a recurrence of such utterances as in a series. The first occurrence of the apostles speaking in tongues, or glossolalia, is Biblically recorded in the Book of Acts 2:4, as happening on Pentecost. It is recorder "they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
"tongues is expressed as language-like, and according to some, contains individual characteristics of language; in the strict sense, including syllables and diction, having similar patterns and structures, but not identical with human linguistics."
"tongues is expressed as language-like, and according to some, contains individual characteristics of language; in the strict sense, including syllables and diction, having similar patterns and structures, but not identical with human linguistics."
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