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segunda-feira, fevereiro 05, 2007

Citações CXLX

[...] Jefferson's choice in the Declaration to speak of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" rather that the Lockean threesome of "life, liberty, and property," is itself significant. Remarkably, when the Marquis de Lafayette, the statesman and principal author of the French 1789 Declaration of Man and Citizens, sent Jefferson returned it with the words "right to property" bracketed and replaced by "pursuit of happiness". For Jefferson, property rights were important, but important mainly as intruments for promotion of human happiness; when property law stands in the way of human happiness, it is in need of reform.

Craig Duncan, in Libertarianism for and against

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Blogger AA Quis dizer...

when property law stands in the way of human happiness, it is in need of reform.

Do que li de TJ, não vi isso em parte nenhuma, antes pelo contrário, o respeito pela propriedade privada é avassalador...

6/2/07 18:26


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